World AIDS Day.
Jokes are half meant. Neither a label appropriate for 'prevention is better than cure' nor 'practice safe sex'. These are all real tearjerker lines the moment you have IT.
Advocacies are deeply embedded and are principles fought not just by a single soul but by the darling of media presses. It has been truly alarming these years with exponential rises each year.
I am not writing this as a scapegoat for blaming media, government and its cronies. Capitalism isn't even. I want to inspire people how beautiful life is if you live with discipline and monogamy; after all, our lives aren't just measured with cat tales.
The Real Pain
The moment you wake up at 4AM with an excruciating pelvic epicenter? You call that a farfetched joke. It's a reality and a curse for promiscuity. The limits have been bypassed and now, all you have to do is cry to your hearts desire, go to the bathroom and try unlocking your underwear with yellowish sauce in it.
Living with an STD was never a joke and will never be especially for people who love you the most. It pains you to see people crying out for help, but it's harsher to be in their actual shoes.
Fluids become less of a necessity. Peeing is painful and unbearable. Pain tolerance differs but relatively, i count the days and bite my lips so hard. Life wasn't this hard. Life wouldn't be so hard if I didn't dive lowly at a cheap price tag of pleasure.
Clinical visits
Weekly urinalysis became a full fledged reason for me in making the clinic my second home. I brought with me notebooks and pens to read while forgetting everything outside and inside. All i ever hoped for was to end all of this.
The medications didn't work and weekly tests proved futile since the tests only showed how resistive the bacteria were. It was the last card of the doctor who specialized in infectious diseases. It was her last resort that no amount of her masters degree in Switzerland can regain new solutions and back-up plans.
Both of us were furious. I was standing next to the cliff and she was down to her last page of medications that if these didn't work, then I'd be the newest guinea pig of a famous hospital specializing in infectious diseases.
I had sleepless nights thinking what the future brings or whether it be a sweet imminent death to end all the pain. She resorted to an injectable which was a strong antibiotic. It felt like my ass was cut in two. Unbearably painful that i even called my mothers name.
Jesus Christ had a way to whack my head with morals and prayers. I have had active thoughts that this doctor was the middleman in between the living and the dead. All she ever gave me were morbid predicaments and not an ounce of optimism. She was skeptical in everything. I had prolonged depressions which led me to lose weight unexpectedly. It was a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.
The smell of that clinic became a normal parfum in my clothes everyday. I lived and breathed life like it was the last. I gave up on being sad or being temperamental. I let God take over my life; everything was falling apart literally. My thoughts were skewed. I see the spectra of light everywhere I go as if my soul is unscrewing it's hold over my earthly body.
I should've listened to my Microbiology professor on how she lectured us about STD: it's preventive measures. Her lecture became a laboratory class too having live bacteria in me, eating up every single hopeful molecule in me. I couldn't help but cry at the thought of being more extra careful if only scientists fast tracked a cheaply maneuvered time machine.
Moving forward, about 2 or 3 weeks, it finally became a light in a tunnel. The painful erections no longer manifested fervently. No more yellowish fluids. It was a one-in-a-billion chance.
It was both our last chance to redeem ourselves and it worked.
As we celebrate World Aids Day, i would like to inspire the rest of the world that there's still hope amidst all the dirty whispers in our head. The situation calls for it but it's never required to let them in. It's never mandated to accomodate those death wishes.
Our living GOD breathes life to each and everyone of his children. Why should we believe the lies of the enemy? Never again. Never believe those lies.
This day marks a solid ground for advocacies to stop the spread of HIV, STDs to people around us. This marks a celebration to those who have died hopeful for a better life and a compelling motivation to PRACTICE SAFE SEX and to spread the message of love that Jesus Christ and his love remains forever.
We are forever loved by the father in both good times and bad times.
Cheers to the kindest souls in behind the curtains of medicine to find a cure to this. If only we can turn back time, there will be no WORLD Aids Day.
Cholera had its own pinnacle of pain and I remain humbly hopeful that a cure will find its way to the real world soon.
But as of the moment, stay vigilant of safe sex practices and be in a monogamous relationship.